Assistant Professor in Landscape Architecture

Runzi Wang, PhD is an Assistant Professor in Landscape Architecture at the University of Michigan’s School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS). She is also a landscape designer engaged in evidence-based landscape and urban design projects, focusing on stormwater management. Dr. Wang studies change in natural and urban environments across space and over time in hopes to drive positive change with ecological planning and design strategies. Her work integrates research with the teaching topics of ecological design studio, landscape analysis, and site engineering. Her primary research explores how land cover change and urban development patterns influence stream water quality and stormwater quality at the watershed basis, collectively with a variety of environmental, climatic, and sociocultural factors. Her research also works to uncover the nonlinear relationships between environmental, technological and sociocultural dimensions of landscape systems which is facilitated through the enhancement of interpretability of machine learning in its application to landscape architecture.
Current Areas of Research:
● Neighborhood-scale green infrastructure design optimization
● Regional-scale water quality management
● Continental-scale landscape change monitoring and projection
Website | Email | Phone: 570-939-5366
Research Areas: Water Quality and Pollution, Built Environment, Data Science, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, Community Engagement,